We have a summerplace in northern Kouvola, south-eastern Finland. Near the cottage there's a broad leaf woodland which I call the Woodbecekr forest. It's my absolute favority. Here you can see some scenes and pics of birds. Most of the bird photos are taken on winter time near their feeding place.
The woodbeckers
Woodbeckers are the main reason why I keep up the feeding Place. Those birds do have a strong character. They are lively, curious and inventive creatures.
The white back woodbeckers (valkoselkätikat)
These birds are extremely threatened. There are only 100 - 200 pairs of them in Finland. This couple has been my friends for three winters. This May I heard their woices for the first time outside the winter. Let's hope they succeed in their nesting.
Female |
Male |
The grey headed woodbeckers (harmaapäätikat)
These birds are very careful. I use to sit in seven meters distance from their food. They can fly around the Place even for an our. And they start eating only after I turn my back to them..
Female |
The northern lights above Salpausselkä
The great spotted woodbeckers (käpytikat)
They are the most common woodbeckers in Finland. They succeed because they eat almost anything. In the forest there are three pairs living threre all year round. It's quitte common that they start fighting for their eating turns.
The Black Woodbecker and the Lesser Spotted Woodpecker (palokärki ja pikkutikka)
These birds live year round in the forest. But I couldn't have taken proper photos of them. So these pics are from Roihuvuori, my home willage just to show you what they look like.
The Tits (tiaiset)
The forest is also the home of several kinds of tits.
The grat Tit (talitiainen)
The crested Tit (töyhtötiainen)
The willow Tit (Hömötiainen)
The blue Tit (sinitiainen)
Other birds
Here you can see some other birds living in and around the forest.
The Crane (kurki)
The Whooper Swan female (laulujoutsen)
The Robin (punarinta)
The Mallard (heinäsorsa)
The eurasian Treecreeper (puukiipijä)
The Jay (närhi)
The Roe Deer (metsäkauris)
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